Glossary definition of 'Frequency Correction Window'
(FFT Window functions / Test & Measurement) Within the dScope Series III, a special kind of window function is available which allows 'windowless' FFTs (i.e. a Rectangular window) in situations where the Generator and Analyzer sample frequencies are not the same, for example in cross-domain or SRC measurements. Selection of these 'frequency correction' window functions causes the Analyzer signal to be sample-rate converted to return frequency components which were generated at bin centres to be restored to bin centres despite the sample frequency difference.Note that the stimulus MUST be generated with all components in bin centres (this is automatic if the Multi-tone Generation and Analysis tool is used), and that both Generator and Analyzer sample frequencies must be at a nominal standard rate (but may be unsynchronised).
Two variants of this function are available, one which assumes that the stimulus has been sourced from the dScope's Digital Outputs - 'None (freq correct from Digital)' - and another which assumes the use of the dScope's Analogue Outputs - 'None (freq correct from Analogue)'.
see also: